Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Create a Data Access Layer with SQLite.swift and Swift 2

In an earlier post I showed how to crate a data access layer with SQLite.swift and Swift 1.2.  In this post I will be updating the previous post to use Swift 2 and SQLite.swift for Swift 2.  In both of these posts I describe the data access layer.  In my new book Protocol-Oriented programming I take this example a step further by not only showing the data access layer but also showing how to integrate it with your application using the bridge design pattern.

SQLite is an open source, lightweight and cross platform relational database however it does require good knowledge of SQL to use.  For me that is not much of a problem however it is always better if we can avoid embedding SQL statements in our source code.  This is where frameworks like SQLite.swift come in.  SQLite.swift is a type-safe, Swift language layer over SQLite3 that allows us to access an SQLite database in a pure Swift type interface. 
It is important, when designing an application, to design a good data access layer between our application and its backend data storage.  While some may argue that is what Core Data is for, I am just not a big fan of it especially if we are planning on porting our applications to other platforms.  In this blog post, I will show how we can use the SQLite.swift framework to design a good data access layer for our applications written in Swift 2.
We can download sqlite.swift for Swift 2 from it’s github repository.  There are good instructions on how to install it either though CocoaPods or manually in our applications.  Once we have sqlite.swift setup within our application we will be ready to design our data access layer.
In this blog post, we will mainly be discussing how to design the data access layer.  We will back up our design with a working example but the focus of the post will be on the design and the code is there to reinforce that design.  You can find the code for this post in this github repository.

Data Access Layer Introduction

Our data access layer will consist of three layers.  The bottom most, connection, layer will consist of one class named SQLiteDataStore which will contain the connection handle for our SQLite database.  This class will implement the singleton pattern so all access to the database will go through one connection handle.
The next layer will be a data helper layer that will contain one class for each of our tables.  These data helper classes will contain methods to create, insert, delete and query a specific table.  We will want to create a protocol for the data helper classes to ensure that they contain a minimum set of functionality like creating the table.
The final layer is the model layer.  This layer will contain tuples that model our database tables and will be used to write or retrieve data from the data store.
In our example, we will have two tables.  These are the Teams and the Players table.  From our description above, we can probably guess that this means we will need two data helper classes (TeamDataHelper and PlayerDataHelper) and two tuples (Team and Player).  The data access layer design will look like this:

Connection Layer

Lets begin by defining our errors that we can receive from our data access layer.  We will be using Swift 2’s new error handling feature so our errors are defined in an enum like this:
enum DataAccessError: ErrorType {
    case Datastore_Connection_Error
    case Insert_Error
    case Delete_Error
    case Search_Error
    case Nil_In_Data
We will see where we use these errors as we go though our code.
Now lets look at the code.  Next we will look at the SQLiteDataStore class that will contain the connection handle for our database.  The SQLiteDataStore class will contain the following code:

import Foundation
import SQLite

class SQLiteDataStore {
    static let sharedInstance = SQLiteDataStore()
    let BBDB: Connection?
    private init() {
        var path = "BaseballDB.sqlite"
        if let dirs: [NSString] =          NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory,
            NSSearchPathDomainMask.AllDomainsMask, true) as [NSString] {
             let dir = dirs[0]
             path = dir.stringByAppendingPathComponent("BaseballDB.sqlite");
        do {
            BBDB = try Connection(path)
        } catch _ {
            BBDB = nil
    func createTables() throws{
        do {
            try TeamDataHelper.createTable()
            try PlayerDataHelper.createTable()
        } catch {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error

The SQLiteDataStore class implements the singleton pattern so there is only one instance of the class for the lifecycle of our application.  We implement this pattern by creating a private initializer which is accessed from a static constant named sharedInstance.  Inside the initializer, we set the path to the file that will contain our database and then create the BBDB Database connection with that path.
The SQLiteDataStore class contains a second method named createTables.  The createTables method calls the createTable methods from our data helper classes.  This method will let us create all of the tables from a single method.

Model Layer

Now lets look at the model layer.  The first thing we need to do in the model layer is to create an enumeration that will contain the position that the players could play.  This Positions enum looks like this.

enum Positions: String {
    case Pitcher = "Pitcher"
    case Catcher = "Catcher"
    case FirstBase = "First Base"
    case SecondBase = "Second Base"
    case ThirdBase = "Third Base"
    case Shortstop = "Shortstop"
    case LeftField = "Left Field"
    case CenterField = "Center Field"
    case RightField = "Right field"
    case DesignatedHitter = "Designated Hitter"
Next we need to define the types that we use to model our data.  These types will be used to transfer the data from our data access layer to the rest of our code.  Since these types should be used exclusively to transfer the data, using value types are definitely preferred.  The reason why we should avoid using these types in our business logic layer is they may change if we change the table structure of our database and we do not want these changes to effect the code in our business logic layer.  With this in mind we will use tuples to model our data as shown in the following code:

typealias Team = (
    teamId: Int64?,
    city: String?,
    nickName: String?,
    abbreviation: String?

typealias Player = (
    playerId: Int64?,
    firstName: String?,
    lastName: String?,
    number: Int?,
    teamId: Int64?,
    position: Positions?

Keep in mind that we should avoid using these types in our business logic layer so we have the ability to change them without having to change our business logic code.  We should have an adapter that will convert the data from these types into data structures used by the business logic layer.

Data Helper Layer

Now lets look at the data helper layer.  This layer will be the bridge to our connection layer and will contain one data helper class per table in our database.  We will begin by creating a data helper protocol that will define the set of methods that each data helper class needs to implement.  The DataHelperProtocol protocol looks like this:

protocol DataHelperProtocol {
    typealias T
    static func createTable() throws -> Void
    static func insert(item: T) throws -> Int64
    static func delete(item: T) throws -> Void
    static func findAll() throws -> [T]?

Within this protocol the four methods that we are defining are:    
createTable:  Creates the table
insert:  insets a row into the table
delete:  deletes a row from the table
findAll:  returns all rows in the table

Notice that we only define one method to query our data stores.  We do this because the methods to query each individual table could be different therefore the method(s) needed to query the tables could be different.  We would need to evaluate the query methods needed for each table on a table-by-table basis.
Now lets look at the TeamDataHelper class that will confirm to the DataHelperProtocol.  This class will be used to read and write information to the Teams table of the SQLite data store.

import Foundation
import SQLite

class TeamDataHelper: DataHelperProtocol {
    static let TABLE_NAME = "Teams"
    static let table = Table(TABLE_NAME)
    static let teamId = Expression<Int64>("teamid")
    static let city = Expression<String>("city")
    static let nickName = Expression<String>("nickname")
    static let abbreviation = Expression<String>("abbreviation")
    typealias T = Team
    static func createTable() throws {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        do {
            let _ = try DB.run( table.create(ifNotExists: true) {t in
                t.column(teamId, primaryKey: true)
        } catch _ {
            // Error throw if table already exists
    static func insert(item: T) throws -> Int64 {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        if (item.city != nil && item.nickName != nil && item.abbreviation != nil) {
            let insert = table.insert(city <- item.city!, nickName <- item.nickName!, abbreviation <- item.abbreviation!)
            do {
                let rowId = try DB.run(insert)
                guard rowId > 0 else {
                    throw DataAccessError.Insert_Error
                return rowId
            } catch _ {
                throw DataAccessError.Insert_Error
        throw DataAccessError.Nil_In_Data
    static func delete (item: T) throws -> Void {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        if let id = item.teamId {
            let query = table.filter(teamId == id)
            do {
                let tmp = try DB.run(query.delete())
                guard tmp == 1 else {
                    throw DataAccessError.Delete_Error
            } catch _ {
                throw DataAccessError.Delete_Error
    static func find(id: Int64) throws -> T? {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        let query = table.filter(teamId == id)
        let items = DB.prepare(query)
        for item in  items {
            return Team(teamId: item[teamId] , city: item[city], nickName: item[nickName], abbreviation: item[abbreviation])
        return nil
    static func findAll() throws -> [T]? {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        var retArray = [T]()
        let items = DB.prepare(table)
        for item in items {
            retArray.append(Team(teamId: item[teamId], city: item[city], nickName: item[nickName], abbreviation: item[abbreviation]))
        return retArray

We start the TeamDataHelper class by setting the TABLE_NAME property.  This property defines the name for the table within our database.  Next we define the table property which is the SQLite table that contains our data.  We use the table property to access the Teams table with in our database.  The next four properties (teamId, city, nickname and abbreviation) define the name and type of each row in the table. 
Finally we implement each of the four methods defined in the DataHelperProtocol protocol plus one extra method which will search the table by its unique identifier.
The PlayerDataHelper class is similar to the TeamDataHelper class except it is used to read and write to the Players table of the SQLite data store.  The PlayerDataHelper class looks like this:

import Foundation
import SQLite

class PlayerDataHelper: DataHelperProtocol {
    static let TABLE_NAME = "Players"
    static let playerId = Expression<Int64>("playerid")
    static let firstName = Expression<String>("firstName")
    static let lastName = Expression<String>("lastName")
    static let number = Expression<Int>("number")
    static let teamId = Expression<Int64>("teamid")
    static let position = Expression<String>("position")
    static let table = Table(TABLE_NAME)
    typealias T = Player
    static func createTable() throws {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        do {
            _ = try DB.run( table.create(ifNotExists: true) {t in
                t.column(playerId, primaryKey: true)
        } catch _ {
            // Error thrown when table exists
    static func insert(item: T) throws -> Int64 {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        if (item.firstName != nil && item.lastName != nil && item.teamId != nil && item.position != nil) {
            let insert = table.insert(firstName <- item.firstName!, number <- item.number!, lastName <- item.lastName!, teamId <- item.teamId!, position <- item.position!.rawValue)
            do {
                let rowId = try DB.run(insert)
                guard rowId >= 0 else {
                    throw DataAccessError.Insert_Error
                return rowId
            } catch _ {
                throw DataAccessError.Insert_Error
        throw DataAccessError.Nil_In_Data
    static func delete (item: T) throws -> Void {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        if let id = item.playerId {
            let query = table.filter(playerId == id)
            do {
                let tmp = try DB.run(query.delete())
                guard tmp == 1 else {
                    throw DataAccessError.Delete_Error
            } catch _ {
                throw DataAccessError.Delete_Error
    static func find(id: Int64) throws -> T? {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        let query = table.filter(playerId == id)
        let items = DB.prepare(query)
        for item in  items {
            return Player(playerId: item[playerId], firstName: item[firstName], lastName: item[lastName], number: item[number], teamId: item[teamId], position: Positions(rawValue: item[position]))
        return nil
    static func findAll() throws -> [T]? {
        guard let DB = SQLiteDataStore.sharedInstance.BBDB else {
            throw DataAccessError.Datastore_Connection_Error
        var retArray = [T]()
        let items = DB.prepare(table)
        for item in items {
            retArray.append(Player(playerId: item[playerId], firstName: item[firstName], lastName: item[lastName], number: item[number], teamId: item[teamId], position: Positions(rawValue: item[position])))
        return retArray

Now lets look at how we would use this data access layer to read and write information from our data store. 

Using the Data Access Layer

To insert a row into a table, all we need to do is to create an instance of the appropriate model type (Player or Team) and then pass it to the appropriate data helper class (PlayerDataHelper or TeamDataHelper).  As an example, here is how we would create four rows in the Teams table:

        do {
       let bosId = try TeamDataHelper.insert(
               teamId: 0,
               city: "Boston",
               nickName: "Red Sox",
              abbreviation: "BOS"))
   } catch _{}
   do {
       let torId = try TeamDataHelper.insert(
               teamId: 0,
               city: "Toronto",
               nickName: "Blue Jays",
               abbreviation: "TOR"))
   } catch _ {}

Here is how we would create three rows in the Players table:

let ortizId = try PlayerDataHelper.insert(
        playerId: 0,
        firstName: "David",
        lastName: "Ortiz",
        number: 34,
        teamId: bosId,
        position: Positions.DesignatedHitter
 let bogeyId = try PlayerDataHelper.insert(
         playerId: 0,
         firstName: "Xander",
         lastName: "Bogarts",
         number: 2,
         teamId: bosId,
         position: Positions.Shortstop

To query the database we would call the appropriate method with the data helper class.  The following code would return a list of all teams in the Teams table and prints out the city and nickname for each team.

do {
   if let teams = try TeamDataHelper.findAll() {
      for team in teams {
          print("\(team.city!) \(team.nickName!)")
} catch _ {}

In this blog post we showed how we could use sqlite.swift and good development practices to create a data access layer that simplifies access to the data and hides the complexity of the underlying data store.  The example shown gives us a good abstraction layer that separates the backend data store from our main application. 
The one thing that our example is missing is a way to query the tables by different elements of the table.  For example, we do not have a way to query all players by team or position.  There are a number of ways that we could implement these queries depending on the complexity needed.  We could create a method for each type of query needed if there are not too many or we could create a single method that will query by each element set in the model object.  How you implement these queries is up to you and really depends on the complexity needed in your application.